One of the things I used to guilt myself into saying is “What would Jesus do?” — as if Jesus didn’t have any boundaries. I’d say to myself Oh, I have to do this… and this… and this…  because Jesus would do it. This train of thought had me constantly pulling myself in so many directions that I ended up burnt out.

It wasn’t until I sat down with God and remembered that there must be order in place. “I have to focus on the order,” I went on to converse with God. “I have to seek You and see what it is that you’ve called me to do.” You see, there is a difference between your potential and your purpose. You have “the potential” to do an abundance of things, but are all those things your “purpose”? You have to ask the Father, “What is my purpose? What have you called me to do?”

See the difference between doing the good thing and the God thing. You can do a lot of amazing things and people can be touched by them, but then in doing all of that, you can still be out of God’s will for your life! This will cause you to be burnt out and miss moments that He has specifically for you because you’re out of line.

Over the years, I’ve learned to be more intentional with my purpose. My life can sometimes be a bit chaotic — my husband and I are always in the middle of NFL demands, philanthropy work, homeschooling, etc. It can feel like a constant tug-of-war. I have to sit down with God and allow Him to show me what He has planned for me. “What’s the potential, and what’s the purpose?” I ask Him. 

If we maximize our purpose, we can then maximize our potential inside of that purpose.

Here are 3 steps I take to help me continue putting God first in my purpose:

1. Be intentional in learning more of His truths through His Word

With all we have going on, life gets extremely busy and chaotic, but it’s essential for me to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus first, and as my husband does the same, it provides so much freedom to be intentional with placing God at the center of our family, platform, and philanthropy work. 

2. Constantly reevaluate my heart

When I surrendered my life to Christ, I began to realize that regardless of what happens in life, only one thing matters — I must live a life in service to Him. So although I wear many crowns, the crown of being the daughter of the highest King is the greatest one to wear and poilish daily. Doing so, allows His love and truth to overflow into all of the other areas of my life. 

My husband and I are two imperfect people working our way to a perfect God. With both of us pursuing God faithfully and constantly reevaluating our hearts, it helps us to understand our marriage comes next, then our children, then football, then philanthropy work. 

3. Spend intimate time in prayer

In prayer, I’m not always asking, but many times praising Him, repenting of my sins (those done both knowingly and unknowingly) and yielding everything over to Him. I know I’m a mess without Him, so I’m constantly trying to grow our relationship.

I always encourage individuals to understand that the only thing that will determine if we will spend eternity with our heavenly Father is if we keep Him at the center of it all. If I’m an excellent football wife, mom, or philanthropist but a crummy disciple of Jesus, then I’m living my life in vain. And being great at all of these other things will not guarantee my place inside the kingdom of God — only my relationship with him. Going to church on Sundays and doing good deeds does not secure me a spot in the kingdom or a relationship with Him.

Only intentionality, growth, and intimacy with Him in my purpose, and living a faithful life of boldness, truth, and service will count in the end!