Meet The Family

“Our attitudes amidst our role as mother and wife will often reveal who (and what) is on the throne of our hearts. If we complain often and view our kids as a burden most of the time (the “martyr mom”), yet care about being seen as a humble, self-sacrificing mom who prizes her family and is an amazing mom and wife, self and family are probably on the throne.

If we are growing more and more in cheerful, self-forgetful service to God and our family, filled with the fruits of the Spirit, while caring less and less about our image or what others think about our family, this reflects a humble, selfless heart where God is on the throne.” (Blog Excerpt.)

“We’re extremely intentional with our parenting strategies with each of our little ones, as they are all unique and require different types of structure and discipline.”


Demario Davis (Dad)

Our outstanding man of faith. Demario serves God and our family with his entire life. He strongly desires to impact the lives of others through selflessly giving his time, talent, and treasures — but most importantly sharing the love of Christ. Demario is in his 8th season of the NFL and currently plays for the New Orleans Saints. Together, we are not only philanthropists but also advocates for Jesus, strong foundational marriages and Christ-centered families.


Our strong, yet extremely gentle sweetheart. Bailey-Grace has a burning desire to please God, her parents, and those around her. She’s extremely social and loves meeting new friends! She’s the sweetest little human who finds pleasure in serving others. Although her feelings are easily hurt at times, she forgives quickly without questions. Oh, she’s an angel living amongst us! She’s super girly and refers to herself as a princess!


Our precious Hulk. Roman-Parker has undeniable physical strength that surpasses the average four-year-old. However, he’s super mushy inside! He’s highly energized and our most inquisitive child, by far. He loves memorizing some of the most unique things and then boldly sharing his knowledge with us. He’s passionate about life and his little heart desires.


Our powerhouse. Summer-Joy is fierce! She stands boldly on what she believes in! She’s a force to be reckoned with, radiating inspiration, and pure happiness. She’s also VERY determined, loves learning new things, and is always (always) in competition with peers!


Our little blessing. Just months after Carly-Faith was born, we were already intrigued by her gentle spirit and observations of things and people around her. She loves cuddling, and we love giving her what she wants! She is strong. She has battled cancer and won! Read her story here.


Our beautiful resilient love. She is a lovely soul to be around and truly knows how to engulf you in her love at all times. Even at a young age, she’s strong, confident, brilliant, focused, and passionate.


Our newest precious heart. She has been our rainbow baby in more ways than one! A Story of life that evolved from undeniable strength, faithfulness, agape love, obedience, and sacrifices! She has been a true bundle of joy since she arrived, with a loving personality. We look forward to adding more to her Story as she grows into her own.

See our photo album!

We love documenting our most precious moments every year. Take a look at our growth and togetherness through beautiful visuals.