As I was singing the nursery rhyme, “Row, Row, Row Your Boat,” to my little people, I kept thinking about the deeper meaning behind the words!

I decided to dig deeper into how this old tune spoke to my spirit and I was reminded that the boat could be symbolic of my life — it’s strong enough to float but can become weak enough to sink. I found myself asking the daunting questions: What areas of life am I floating and what areas am I sinking in? Where is my anchor?

This simple lullaby created an amazing opportunity for self-reflection. Here’s what I learned about myself:




Well, without rowing the boat’s movement is limited and even stagnant. To follow a true direction, a boat needs action! I have huge goals to accomplish and lots of obstacles to face along the way, so there’s no time to waste by staying still! I know that regardless of what’s thrown my way, I must continue to keep rowing my boat to get to my destination.



This was a challenging part of the song to put into proper perspective. I’m notorious for rushing to the next phase of life. I just wade in what’s now, believing that what’s to come is much greater. What I realized is that although getting to the next phases of my life may be exciting, it is also getting me closer to my departure from here. I don’t want to rush my journey because I’m so thankful to be where I am now. I should often remind myself that life is not a race to the end and by embracing each season I can learn valuable lessons.



The stream of life never truly stops. There is always something new to face or a challenge to overcome. I could let the current take me away or I could stay present and move with it! If I’m going to handle life’s persistence with strength and courage, I must keep moving with the water.



Choosing joy isn’t always easy but it’s so worth it. Sometimes it can feel like a relief to slip into a negative mindset. But if you let your circumstances wash away your happiness, you miss out on so much growth. Life is all about perspective, a moral value system, character development, and which God you decide to serve. Focusing on the good moments, like dancing in the rain or making amazing lemonade, and praising God despite the storms of life, is how we learn to live merrily in His name.

Life Is But A Dream


Our lives can be dreamy, but as we all know not every dream is identical. It could be short or long, amazing or traumatic, filled with purpose and passion, or filled with excuses and regrets. We get to choose how we respond to whatever cards we are dealt. But like a dream, life ends at some point on this side of heaven. What we do now with our dreams determines how we will spend eternity. So when I dream big, it’s with the passion of my heart and the love of the Almighty.

Who would have thought there was so much to learn about myself from this adorable little song? And I find so much more meaning in its lyrics as I sing it to my children. Life really is a dream and I can’t wait to get back to work on mine. I hope you can find some inspiration in its lyrics too!