
Join me through self-reflection, finding balance and peace, learning trust, achieving goals in faith, and more!

Finding My God-Given Talents

Finding My God-Given Talents

The best-selling author, Erma Bombeck, once said, “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and I could say ‘I used everything you gave me.’” Like many things in life, this is easier said than done....

Normalize Not Being Okay

Normalize Not Being Okay

Let's normalize not being okay all the time or having it all together. We all could use some sort of help or people in our corner who we can vent to and seek guidance.Over the years, I’ve had a few responses tucked away that are automatic when someone asks me how I’m...

Reading the Bible in a Year! Best Book Club Ever

Reading the Bible in a Year! Best Book Club Ever

Friends! I am so excited to share with you my commitment to God this year.As I entered into this new year, I reviewed some dreams I was ready to make into reality and began trying to plan what I would like to accomplish. But, as always, God helped make those plans for...

Finding Balance Through Self-Care

Finding Balance Through Self-Care

I will admit, I most certainly have a tendency to… let’s say, overcommit to some of my gospels. First and foremost? Philippians 2:3. You know, the part that says “Count others more significant than yourselves.” I can’t tell you how often I find myself run ragged...

Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021!

Goodbye 2020, Hello 2021!

Suffice to say, 2020 has had its fair share of lows. As for all of us, the global pandemic has forced me to navigate so many unforeseen challenges with family, friends, and faith. It has been a year of adjusting and readjusting, adapting to changes that seem to appear...

Trading Control for Simplicity

Trading Control for Simplicity

In the most recent weeks, I’ve been attempting to establish new boundaries and find ways to simplify my life a little more. It’s extremely challenging to simplify when my expectations are rather high AND that little control issue I have tend to creep back in. Control...

Finding Faith in the Arms of Change

Finding Faith in the Arms of Change

We live in a changing world, but we serve a God who is unchanging. While many things in life are fleeting, change is one thing that can be relied upon as a constant, and yet it can still awaken fear within us. We experience change daily, from small changes in our schedules and routines, to major changes in our health and homes.

6  Ways Friendships Change Over Time

6 Ways Friendships Change Over Time

As young children, it was easy to connect with our peers over something as simple as our favorite color or Disney character. But as we grow older, it can become harder to connect.

Navigating friendships has been a challenge for me. I’m a busy wife and mom, and between caring for my family, teaching homeschool, philanthropy work, and The F Word Blog, I have to be really intentional about the relationships I build and maintain with others.

5 Benefits of Self-Reflections

5 Benefits of Self-Reflections

Where have I been this season? I’ve been journeying through the past, re-evaluating the presence, and envisioning the future! I’ve been filling myself with healthy self-reflection, and it has changed my life and perspective in tremendous ways.

The Difference Between Winning and Losing

The Difference Between Winning and Losing

If you’ve never attended a Saints game, you should really consider doing so. There’s nothing like a win inside the Superdome after you’ve been biting your nails, hanging on to strangers, and have felt like your heart’s stopped because you’re desperate for a win.





