- Help time. I then go in and help them finish getting dressed and check for anything they missed that needs completed before departing the bedroom for breakfast.

New Baby, New Night Routine
Hands Full, Hearts Fuller!
I can officially say… we are now a family of SEVEN! I am thrilled to announce the birth of our newest Davis Family addition, but adding another baby girl to our organized chaos is definitely shaking things up a bit. With five little people in the house, it’s all about adopting new tasks and adapting old routines.
Get the Whole Family on Board
For all the mamas out there, you are not alone! Remember to use the help of those around you. Adding a new baby can be challenging for the entire family, but establishing a plan and getting the older kids involved can help make the transition smoother. In our case, Daddy is a little tied up with football season (talk about late nights and early mornings!), but he always makes sure to jump in when he can and I rely on my other kiddos to help in the meantime.
Strengthening the Sibling Unit
Empower your older kids to be more independent with their chores, bedtime routines, and extracurricular activities. If they can, ask them to help with the younger ones, like reading them a bedtime story or helping them to brush their teeth. We use a color-coded calendar board in the kitchen so that everyone can check up on their schedules and activities and to help remind me of upcoming events.
Don’t Forget to Help Yourself
Giving yourself a little grace and extra support during this time is crucial. A few small tips can help ensure I am taking care of myself, too:
- Get sleep whenever possible, a few extra minutes can make all the difference (Mama Night Owl + Baby Night Owl = Sleepy Mommy), so don’t be afraid to press the “Snooze” button every once in a while.
- Meal prep and menu plan when you can and use grocery delivery to shorten your to-do list.
- Lay out your kids’ clothing/backpacks/school assignments the night before, it will make your mornings much quicker!
- Set aside time to communicate both as parents and as a family. Creating a safe space to share feelings is integral to a smoother transition when adding a new family member.
- Coffee, coffee, more coffee. And oh, did I mention coffee?
I am often reminding myself how important it is to embrace your changing emotions, ask for help or space when you need it. We may not have figured out everything just yet, but we are hustling to make magic.