Homeschool: Top 4 Juneteenth Books for Kids

Homeschool: Top 4 Juneteenth Books for Kids

It’s hard to describe how surreal it feels to birth children, raise them, and watch them learn to read. As they comb through books, I watch their brains work to picture scenes, learn new ideas, and discover more about themselves and the world around them. Reading to my children is one of my favorite activities–especially when I can see the immediate impact it has on them.

Juneteenth National Independence Day is a celebration that marks the end of chattel slavery in the United States. Every year, people across the country commemorate the end of slavery by celebrating the Black community’s freedom on this momentous day. It is a day full of singing, soul foods, festivals, historical reenactments, and family reunions. Most notably for me, Juneteenth is a day on which I ensure my children understand their heritage and feel pride as Black youth.

This Juneteenth, I curated a selection of books every child should read. Each title is informative, uplifting, and resonant. Whether you’re introducing them to the meaning behind Juneteenth or looking for a way to expand their knowledge of the holiday, these books are an excellent way to get kids involved!


1. What is Juneteenth by Kirsti Jewel

The Who HQ book series is an established collection of titles that focuses on educating kids about historical people, places, and events. I highly recommend Who HQ because, no matter your child’s interests, this collection has a book for them! What is Juneteenth by Kirsti Jewel is extremely informative yet interesting for kids.

History is best received in the form of a story, and that’s what I love about these books. Who HQ covers a diverse range of topics with colorful illustrations and facts threaded throughout the stories. What is Juneteenth reflects on the day enslaved people discovered they were free way back on June 19th, 1865, but it also chronicles that fateful day’s transformation into the Juneteenth we know today. It is a wonderfully educational book for young readers!


2. The Juneteenth Story by Allah Agostini

As this book shares, the first Juneteenth was known as “Jubilee Day,” which I love to share with kids. Inevitably, they ask what jubilee means. As The Juneteenth Story by Allah Agostini exemplifies, jubilee is defined as a special anniversary of an event worthy of celebration. It follows a modern Black family as they teach the history of the holiday to their child.

If you’re looking for the perfect introductory book to Juneteenth, look no further. Between its colorful illustrations and helpful timeline of key historical events related to this holiday, The Juneteenth Story is an excellent way to enlighten your children and provide them with the means to celebrate!


3. Juneteenth Is by Natasha Triplett

The context surrounding Juneteenth can be a heavy topic for anyone, especially children. What I love about Juneteenth Is by Natasha Triplett is its warmth and fun. This book opens with local celebrations–such as community parades and family barbeques–that take place every year on June 19th. It follows a child as she moves from one celebration to another before settling at her Grandaddy’s table to hear about the historical events leading to the creation and recognition of Juneteenth.

I love the versatility and inclusive nature of this book. We watch the main little girl’s eyes light up as she takes part in celebrations with folks of all shades, then the author utilizes the joy from these fun activities to frame Grandaddy’s later conversations about Black history with care and love. There is room for both commemoration and solemnity in Juneteenth Is. 

4. The History of Juneteenth by Alisha Norwood

If your child is drawn in by cozy, bright, evocative illustrations, Sawyer Cloud’s work in The History of Juneteenth by Alisha Norwood speaks volumes about the importance of Juneteenth! By recounting key historical events in a visual timeline, gently quizzing readers, and detailing forgotten nuances of Black history in America, this book has it all. 

As our nation continues to grow and evolve, it is crucial that future generations never forget our history. Juneteenth deserves widespread recognition and observation. Books like The History of Juneteenth are key to keeping our population informed, compassionate, and mindful as we write the next generation’s future!

In the Final Chapter of Birthing Humans…

In the Final Chapter of Birthing Humans…

The bumps I’ve run across in my life have sometimes seemed to be larger than the physical bumps developed in my belly I carried for 9 months and vice versa! Nevertheless, both bumps birth something from me that is extraordinary, life-altering, and God-ordained—despite the occasional pain and discomfort in labor and delivery or overcoming the bumpy unforeseen obstacles of life!
What’s birthed from those bumps in life prepares me for the bumps that create precious life… and the lives created inside of me will forever grant me all the confidence, strength, and endurance I need to overcome and press on!
I’ve created and accomplished a lot, secretly and on grand stages… but none of it will ever compare or surpass the amount of joy I have that God has chosen me to create and steward all of these little people for His glory!
I’ve filled my quiver with arrows to shoot out into the world; may my children arise and call me blessed! All that I do, all that I sacrifice, all that I fight for, all that I accomplish, and all that I am is to honor ALL 6 of you and our creator!
I pray that my Story is constant proof that obedience is greater than sacrifice… and He lives, He forgives, He loves, He empowers, He redeems, and He Alone is more than enough!
The Final Chapter of birthing humans is slowly coming to an end, but it’s the beginning chapter of so much more! 👀
Our Story, His Glory! 

How to Give Each of Your Kids the Attention They Deserve

How to Give Each of Your Kids the Attention They Deserve

I’ve shared a lot of my best tips on important topics of family life: homeschooling, meals, cleaning, and all the things in between! But at the center of it all are my five amazing children.

But when you have a family, big or small, dividing your attention between the children is a challenge that parents are often unprepared for; I know I wasn’t! Now, I have the perfect formula to make sure each kiddo feels loved, understood, and fulfilled.

Make Them Feel SpecialHere are my favorite ways to give my children the extra attention they need:

Show Love in Small Ways

As moms, we do little acts of kindness all day long! The littles might not see it, making it so important to show love in ways they can interpret. Sometimes that can be cooking their favorite meal (like chicken spaghetti) or choosing an activity they love! When my husband is home, tossing around a soft football in the backyard always puts a smile on the kids’ faces.


Words of affirmation are also one of the best ways to share your love with your child. I ensure that each of my children gets daily encouragement from me. Some of my favorite phrases are “You have great ideas,” “I love spending time with you,” or “I’m so proud of you!” You never know what your child might need to hear, so pay close attention and give them the message they need most from you.

Make Them Feel Special

When they need something a little extra, offer Mommy time! I love to schedule unique mother-daughter or -son dates when I can devote time to each kid. It eliminates all other distractions and allows us to bond on a deeper level. If your calendar looks too full, you can always have simple one-on-one conversations with your child rather than planning an elaborate activity. Trust me, they will appreciate both versions of Mommy time.

As my husband can be away from home a lot, it’s important to me that his absence isn’t viewed in a negative light. To avoid this, the kids rotate sleeping with me in his place! Having a sleepover with mom in the big bed is a dream come true for the littles.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask

When I see that my other tips aren’t doing the trick, I sit them down and ask the tough question: “How can I serve you better as a mom?” I can’t read their minds, so having them tell me exactly what support I can give them avoids a lot of frustration and loneliness. It’s not only important to listen to your child but to also take action to provide them with what they asked for. Try to build their needs into your schedule.

 With these tips, you should find that your children get the attention they deserve without overextending your time.



How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Distraction

How to Avoid the Pitfalls of Distraction

“A distracted parent is a frustrated parent.”

This is a phrase that I’ve used for many years, but admittedly, I frequently become preoccupied with a laundry list of tasks that threaten all my “intentional parenting” tools, forcing me into old habits that I preach against. 

As I reflect over this past week, I’ve been confronted with an ugly truth. More times than not, I was distracted from my littles, which led to many frustrations with their mistakes, an overload of questions, and countless messes. Finding myself a little teary-eyed, I discovered that my family didn’t always move to the beat of my drum. I’d also been distracted by other idols of mine, so when things began to occur outside my control, I couldn’t help but become annoyed. Thank God for conviction, conviction led to repentance, and repentance led to me apologizing to my people for putting unfair expectations on them – expectations that I can’t always meet myself. 

I’m sure I’m not alone in falling guilty of this and I want us all to place our failures before the throne, find ways to implement new tactics, and know that giving ourselves and others grace will assist in bearing fruit.

Here are a few tools on how to limit distractions and frustrations:

Set Boundaries on Your Screen Time 

Cell phones and social media can be so distracting at times, and we may become frustrated or annoyed by comparing ourselves to what we’re being exposed to through our devices. In order to limit my screen time, I place timers on my cell phone, turn off many notifications, and set ringtones for my husband and a few others that I’m okay responding to throughout the day. Then I can carve out specific time to tackle emails and text messages from others. These boundaries help me keep my thoughts organized and my focus sharp.

Don’t Let the Mess Control You

 I’ve told y’all before that I’m OCD (not using the term lightly), so cleaning is an idol for me. Although I view it as a good one to have, I’m often distracted by it. This distraction causes me to miss memorable times with my family, become overwhelmed when messes occur and turn into a drill sergeant to my entire village. I’m learning to remind myself that accidents happen, kids can sometimes be messy, and living in spaces can’t always mimic an RH showcase room. 

If you’re anything like me, I encourage you to create a weekly, monthly, and daily cleaning routine. In doing this, you will also find a few things that can be left undone. Whether it’s closing a door, having a junk drawer or closet, placing things in a basket, or hiring a housekeeping service, there are ways to manage your surroundings without having to tackle everything on your list.

Remember Your Purpose

I love to serve, so I’m extra when it comes to my meals and cookware. I love to serve my family food in cute dishes, create adorable themes… the list goes on. Although I can become distracted by creating these elaborate experiences for them, they’d rather have me focused, patient, and full of joy rather than serving heart-shaped waffles without a smile. Let’s not become too distracted creating beautiful moments we can’t enjoy because we’re frustrated with the very people we’re making them for.

These tips can help you reduce future frustrations, but sometimes life can just get in the way. When you’re overwhelmed, schedule non-negotiable time away, take a 5-minute potty break, or be vulnerable with family or friends and tell them you could use some help. Above all else, remember to submit our distractions and frustrations before the throne.


Parents: Stopping a Tantrum In Its Tracks

Parents: Stopping a Tantrum In Its Tracks

With a household of five little ones, you can imagine we spend a lot of time navigating toddler tantrums and sibling breakdowns.

The past few years have certainly been a process of trial and error when learning to deal with and help manage my kiddos’ emotions. While still a work in progress, I am excited to share with you some of the tools I have found to be successful.

Name the Emotion 

1. Get On Their Level!


Much like adults, kids want to feel that they are both seen and heard. I find that meeting them at eye level creates a sense of equality where they feel safe to begin sharing and communicating. So get low to the ground, or lift your kiddos up (count it as a mommy’s arm workout!) and start out every conversation with eye contact.

2. Name the Emotion


For small ones, emotions can sometimes be overwhelming. I like to ask questions to help them to narrow down their experience and put a name to it. Once we know if they are angry, sad, disappointed etc. we can start addressing the emotion and finding the best solution.

3. Breathe Deep


This is a staple! I know you’ve heard it before, but helping your child to slow down their breathing will regulate their bodies as well. We like to say “Inhale the flowers, blow out the candles.” This allows the kids to not only take a second to breathe, but reminds them of experiences that are both happy and calming.

4. Redirect Their Attention


As I mentioned before, feelings can sometimes be overwhelming. I have found that introducing things to redirect their attention can help alleviate some of the pressure and make it easier to communicate. In our household this may mean using fidget toys (like Rubik’s Cubes, stress balls, or spinners), altering the location of the conversation (nothing like a change of scenery!), or shifting the focus (they may not want their feelings to be the center of attention). These tactics help to give the kids a healthy outlet if they aren’t ready to talk or need some time to process and communicate what they are experiencing.

5. When in Doubt, Pray It Out!


Y’all should know by now that God is at the center of everything at the Davis household! Children are never too young to learn how to take time and pray about their emotions. We always like to teach that God can help educate you on how to overcome your experiences, all you have to do is ask for His wisdom. It’s important to me to encourage their personal relationships with God and seek his assistance in everything.

The most important thing to remember is to build a home where communication is key. Our household is more about words of affirmation than yelling, more about time in than time out. If you build successful tools for your kids early, they will take their communication skills with them throughout their lives.


Managing the Chaos: How I Stick To My Goals

Managing the Chaos: How I Stick To My Goals

Managing the Chaos: How I Stick To My Goals

I will admit, I most certainly have a tendency to… let’s say, overcommit to some of my gospels. First and foremost? Philippians 2:3. You know, the part that says “Count others more significant than yourselves.” I can’t tell you how often I find myself run ragged trying to ensure that all those around me have what they need; nice clothes, exercise, balanced meals, spiritual enrichment, and this list goes on. Meanwhile, I push myself to the side, looking like a stray dog, overweight, body aching, eating cake for breakfast.

Set your intentions

The most important advice I can give is to be very strict when you set your intentions. Many people make the mistake of having goals that are too general, which makes it harder to determine if they have been achieved. Be clear with yourself and be clear with what you want to work towards.

Tier your goals

I divide all of my goals into three categories: daily, weekly, and monthly. By characterizing my goals this way, it allows me to scale my life and prioritize tasks within the larger picture of my needs. It also gives me a timeline for accomplishment. Without a deadline, or a scope of time, it would be harder to enforce the need to complete a task. I can repeat the short-term goals in my daily routine, and plan my month to achieve my longer-term goals.

Set an example

Sometimes it can be hard to determine what goals we are working towards. Look to your friends and people you admire to help develop your goal list. It can be the perfect inspiration to focus what direction you want to go in.  Here is an example of my daily, weekly, and monthly goals to help get you started:


  • Spend at least 10 minutes outside
  • Give myself 5 minutes of alone time
  • Set aside time to spend with God (this can be listening to a song of worship, reading my bible, or listening to a sermon)
  • Hug everyone in my house, give them one compliment, and tell them I love them


  • Set out the week’s clothes for the little people
  • Review the week’s calendar
  • Confirm the week’s appointments and calls
  • List and prepare the week’s menus
  • Clean an area on my organizing list


  • Set future goals and timelines
  • Review next month’s tasks and goals to make any adjustments
  • Develop a list of professional goals

With tips like these, you’ll be checking your “to-dos” off in no time!
