The Difference Between Winning and Losing

The Difference Between Winning and Losing

If you’ve never attended a Saints game, you should really consider doing so. There’s nothing like a win inside the Superdome after you’ve been biting your nails, hanging on to strangers, and have felt like your heart’s stopped because you’re desperate for a win. When I attended my first college football game to cheer on my husband, I knew nothing about football, but over the years, I’ve learned to love the sport. It’s taught me so much about life.

In football and in life, you win some (Who Dat NATION), and you lose some, but each day and season presents new opportunities to strive, thrive, and grow! In football, losing was an opportunity for those players to learn what skills to develop for the next game. After each game, athletes review the film searching for ways to improve in the areas they made mistakes—while also working to strengthen the areas they succeeded.

This is what separates the winners from the losers.

If you’ve lived long enough, you’ve had some victorious moments and some not so great ones too. As believers, it’s essential that despite what our scoreboard in life looks like, we don’t give up. Even when we are tackled by life, it’s crucial to keep getting back up. Be reminded that even if it appears that we’re losing, we win because God is still on the throne. Jesus has already conquered it all, and we’re always victorious when we’re resting in Him and His promises, even if it appears otherwise.

When I’m winning, sometimes I’m turnt! I feel accomplished! I do give God the glory, 

but there have even been many times I’ve questioned, “why me”? On the other hand, as a recovering perfectionist and people pleaser, losses are always difficult for me.

I’m constantly attempting to work out my issues in this area because for one, I’m only perfectly imperfect. When I get out of my own head, I learn that God is pruning me, using me, and preparing me for Himself! Like my husband’s teammates, I study myself (film) and my opponent (the enemy), challenge myself, and ask God to stop me in my tracks when I’m running further away from Him (linebacker moves).

Surrendering to Christ doesn’t mean we get a perfect life in return. It means that we must learn how to pray fervently and press firmly into God in ways we couldn’t before knowing Him. The weapon may form, but it won’t prosper. It’s knowing that “all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose,” (Roman 8:28). This doesn’t mean all things will be good. It may not always look like we’re winning. However, in every situation, good or bad, all things work together for our good. God is always working on our behalf. We may not see that clearly in every situation, but trusting in Him is key! We will always come out triumphant! When we are connected in Christ, this is the true victory.

Book Review: “The Unsuccessful Champion" by Demario Davis

Book Review: “The Unsuccessful Champion" by Demario Davis

Champions, like seeds, only gain strength when you bury them. – Matshona Dhliwayo

Finding true victory in the midst of adversity can be challenging. An individual must realize that despite how victorious they may potentially become in the world, true victory only arises when they champion their faith in the Lord. The world’s vision of success often does not align with how God views achievement. Demario was deemed unsuccessful, especially early in life, and despite coming up short many times, he always got up stronger and more determined.

His story is one of how to champion goals and also how to champion faith! His story is compelling, and his book Unsuccessful Champion is a quick read because you will feel like he is sitting down with you to share.
Unsuccessful Champion was written to inspire anyone who has a dream and wants to be successful. We all have different callings in our lives and our paths are unique. Regardless of our journey, there is a champion inside of us, fighting to be the best at what we do.

Champions are founded in the relationships they have with God and their family. Each day, God calls us to live lives that set us apart for His glory. There is no end to what He has planned for us. There are times when what the world has to offer may seem appealing or glamorous but finding true victory and true riches comes from Christ. Regardless of how successful or unsuccessful Demario was at times, his fulfillment and true victory is always in Christ!

Let his story be an example to you—that though your beginning may be small, where you finish can be great.

Forget what people may have said about you or tried to convince you that you could not have. God can change any situation and make it better than our wildest dreams. I recommend this book to anyone who feels discouraged and needs to know that they are not alone. Your worth is not in what the world offers, but in the ultimate prize God has in store for you.

Watch the full book review video here:

More Than Just an NFL Player

More Than Just an NFL Player

Demario Davis… to know him is to love him. To hate him… I’d say you should self-reflect. Why? Because you’re only hating greatness, lol! Of course, I’m biased!

He’s an excellent combination of The Lion and The Lamb. On the field, he’s ferocious! But, off the field, he’s a gentle giant and so much more than an athlete.

Football is his platform; it’s what he does. But it’s not who he is. If you were to ask him who he is? His first response would be, “I’m a Child of God.” I love that he’s able to identify and make decisions in light of that.

Although he’s an elite athlete, he’s also an unbelievably selfless, humble man of faith! He’s brilliant and sacrificial—constantly searching for resources to grow individually, while also seeking to provide opportunities to encourage the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth of those around him.

Demario is in constant pursuit of his relationship with Christ. More than ever, he’s seeking opportunities to ensure the gospel goes forward on every level—locally, nationally and globally. Additionally, he’s the most disciplined person I’ve ever encountered, and his burning desire for greatness is contagious!

I’m constantly learning from him in every area of my life. Doing life with him is one of my greatest joys. He’s absolutely a tremendous asset!

The most valuable lesson he’s ever taught me is how to live fervently for the Lord! I’m in awe that on his best day he seeks the Lord just as much as he does on his worst day. Having him lead our family is one of the things I’m most grateful for in life.

Who Dat? Game Day Ready!

Who Dat? Game Day Ready!

How does our family get ready for game day Sundays? Well, we start on Saturdays! We start by laying out our jerseys and favorite game gear.

The kids and I will usually rock our favorite jerseys, custom shirts and jackets. My son loves to bring his football to throw around with some of the other players’ kids in the family area after the game. I pack a massive clear bag (*rolls eyes) to be in line with NFL policy.

Before the game starts, we facetime our favorite Saint (Daddy) and give him encouraging words! I usually send him a sweet text right before the game as well. Once the game ends, we all hang out as a family! It’s some of our fondest moments to have our entire family together to laugh and fellowship with.

Now, for away games, it’s a bit different. We either have a fun watch party with some of our close friends, or the kids and I indulge in game-day snacks, cheering Daddy on from the sofa!

Here’s what always stands true: Game days are fun, intense, emotional — the list goes on. But, we’re grateful for every opportunity and all that comes with it. We absolutely love supporting Daddy and letting fans know who we’re invested in.

More about our fits:

My girl’s tunics are custom made by my sweet friend and fellow sister Saint Makenzie Line.

My son’s jersey is made by the NFL Shop.

Managing Expectations: How We Stay Intentional in This Season

Managing Expectations: How We Stay Intentional in This Season

Growing a family is a challenge, especially in the NFL spotlight. It requires an abundance of sacrifice, time, and tear-filled pep talks to yourself in the car. Often, my thoughts and emotions are all over the place. I can’t begin to process how people navigate living inside this space without a relationship with Christ. 

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Football is what we do, not who we are. It is our platform and a job that at some point will end. When that time comes, our family will still have each other. I work to maintain proper perspective by first pursuing my relationship with Christ, then my relationships with my husband, Demario, my children, and then everything else. This has helped me establish boundaries to prevent outside distractions. Society has changed drastically in the last few decades, both inside and outside of the NFL. There are many interferences working to stand in the way of the time we could be spending with God and each other. As a family, we’re constantly reestablishing boundaries to remain intentional about our relationships in all the chaos. 

For example, during the season, my husband and I have a weekly date night, and commit to an hour daily of heartfelt conversation before bed. As a family, we spend at least 15 minutes together in the mornings and evenings. Some ways we like to do that are by having the kids hang out in bed with us, by brushing our teeth together, or watching a worship video on YouTube. We also eat dinner together outside the house one night a week. When things become too chaotic to stay on routine, we adjust. We shut down the noise, prioritize, and pull out our Boundaries book (more about it below)! We do all this to be the best versions of ourselves for each other, our family, and our assignments.

There was a time when we felt obligated to all those activities, but that was a lose-lose situation. We quickly learned that no matter what we do, it will NEVER be enough. People have placed so many unfair expectations on us, and when those expectations aren’t met, they become angry, distant, and harsh. 

I’ll leave you with two great resources that have helped me on this path of intentionality: 

These are two books I’ll never forget! We’ve learned to protect our energy, establish reasonable boundaries and not allow people to pressure us into things we don’t want or feel led to do! Talk about growth, especially for me! The freedom is unreal and the only expectations I’m aiming to meet these days are my Father’s. That’s all that will really matter at the end of this lifetime anyway!

Our 2020 Vision for the Devoted Dreamers Foundation

Our 2020 Vision for the Devoted Dreamers Foundation

Man, if I’m honest, Devoted Dreamers didn’t pierce my heart instantly. To give a little backstory before getting into our 2020 vision for the foundation, I co-founded it with my husband with minimum interest. It was another task that required more work, resources and sacrifice that I didn’t feel like we were (really “I was”) in a space to give. I had a vision for it long-term and knew God wanted to use us in this space, but I just didn’t think He meant immediately (2013).

Being married to a professional athlete and sacrificing what I felt was my entire life, I was already working so hard to maintain countless other unforeseen things. Thankfully, God gave my husband a crystal clear vision and nudge — and when God gives that man something he moves rapidly, despite the discouragement from others, including me! (I’m learning from him.) 

Since our launch a few years ago, I began to develop a genuine love for all the resources we provided to equip the next generation! The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few… and I’m grateful that God has granted me a laborer’s heart and a heart for my husband’s heart.

Fast forward to today, the Devoted Dreamers Foundation has a huge space in my heart! I finally stopped looking at it as another one of his things. It’s become our thing. It’s clear that God is using us to spearhead in order to impact lives, shape futures, and glorify His kingdom. To be able to witness firsthand the results of our programs, the lives that’ve been heavily impacted, and the ability we have for growth has impacted me significantly. Our vision is growing rapidly, and now God is granting me clear visions of how I’m supposed to navigate in this space, the value I have to give, and the many ways I can serve those around us.

My vision for 2020 is actually grand, and I’m excited to see God move in the lives of everyone who plays a part! In 2020, I pray that lives are transformed mentally, physically, emotionally, and most importantly, spiritually. I’m excited that we get the opportunity to equip staff, participants and volunteers to live a life in service to others and Christ. Additionally, we get to instill into our children the importance of giving back, serving others, maximizing opportunities, and what true partnership looks like as I co-labor alongside their father.

About Devoted Dreamers Foundation:

Founded in 2018 by New Orleans Saints Linebacker Demario Davis, Devoted Dreamers Foundation, Inc. was created to equip the Next Generation of Leaders (entertainers, athletes, politicians, doctors, lawyers, etc.) with the tools to be successful spiritually, mentally, and physically. We live in a nation where inner city kids are just as likely to end up in jail as they are college. The Devoted Dreamers Project has created a number of initiatives aimed at connecting the young men and women of the future to the resources needed to make their biggest dreams a reality.

Interested in joining our vision and donating? Visit