Cancer-Free: How God Gave Us 20/20 Vision
Almost two months ago, we received news that shattered our hearts into the tiniest pieces; “It’s Retinoblastoma.”
I’d never heard of this cancer, and it took me a couple of days to even learn how to pronounce it. Our youngest daughter, Carly-Faith, was recently diagnosed with Retinoblastoma, which affects the retina, usually as a tumor. It’s rare and typically affects young children, but no one can really prepare your heart to hear that your child has cancer.
As I listened to the doctor advise us on our best options and explain where this journey may lead, I felt weakened. This was a situation that could have easily caused us to lose trust in our Father and allow the enemy to fill us with doubt. So many questions flooded my mind. At that moment, God appeared swiftly and granted me the strength and endurance that I would have never seen myself having under these circumstances!
My husband and I immediately went to the Lord in prayer—praying for specific miracles. One of those miracles was for God to salvage her left eye. However, that wasn’t a part of His master plan. We had to rapidly move forward with enucleation, the removal of her left eye. It would’ve been easy to be swept away by our fear or our feelings…but God. Instead, He revealed to us ALL of the other miracles He was unfolding before our very eyes!
Before COVID-19 and statewide mandatory quarantines, we were scheduled to be back in New Orleans. Had we been in NOLA, the closest place for treatment was Houston! Thankfully, we were home in Nashville, where Vanderbilt Hospital is located. This was a huge blessing and meant we could immediately see a specialist. One of the top research doctors and surgeons for this particular cancer was assigned to us at that hospital.
Surgeons were able to do outpatient surgery on my daughter two days after diagnosis. After weeks of awaiting additional test results we received the news that No chemotherapy was needed because the cancer was removed in the nick of time! Also,it hadn’t spread to her brain or right eye, which was a concern when receiving the diagnosis. There were so many moments where God showed up and proved Himself strong. We were able to share God through prayer and encouraging words with every doctor, nurse, and staff member caring for us on the day of surgery.
Our community showed up for us! Usually, I attempted to be a strong friend and decline help on every level. However, during this time I was able to allow my pride to rest, my fear to bow, and embrace the love of God through His people. Clinging to His truths and promises blessed me with boldness, peace, and FAITH!

Carly-Faith has lost vision in one of her eyes, and that may present some life challenges. However, many people have no hindrance to their physical vision, yet they are spiritually blind, which leads to a road of destruction. It is my prayer that God continues to grace us with wisdom and endurance to boldly discipline our little champion of faith to have a clear vision of her creator. Her story is beautiful, displaying God’s faithfulness, and we’re grateful to have experienced it all with her! May she always have a visual acuity of exactly who God is and the calling he has on her life, and may she fully maximize every ounce of her potential and purpose for the Kingdom of God!
I know some of you may be facing some giants and feeling discouraged by your challenges or circumstances…please, stand firmly on God’s promises! I strongly encourage you to go before the Lord in unfiltered prayer. Understand that it’s ok to embrace your emotions and not suppress them. But also, believe that God is greater than it all! If there is any specific way I can faithfully cover you in prayer, my inbox is open!
I love each of you and appreciate your support!