Homeschool: Top 4 Juneteenth Books for Kids

Homeschool: Top 4 Juneteenth Books for Kids

It’s hard to describe how surreal it feels to birth children, raise them, and watch them learn to read. As they comb through books, I watch their brains work to picture scenes, learn new ideas, and discover more about themselves and the world around them. Reading to my children is one of my favorite activities–especially when I can see the immediate impact it has on them.

Juneteenth National Independence Day is a celebration that marks the end of chattel slavery in the United States. Every year, people across the country commemorate the end of slavery by celebrating the Black community’s freedom on this momentous day. It is a day full of singing, soul foods, festivals, historical reenactments, and family reunions. Most notably for me, Juneteenth is a day on which I ensure my children understand their heritage and feel pride as Black youth.

This Juneteenth, I curated a selection of books every child should read. Each title is informative, uplifting, and resonant. Whether you’re introducing them to the meaning behind Juneteenth or looking for a way to expand their knowledge of the holiday, these books are an excellent way to get kids involved!


1. What is Juneteenth by Kirsti Jewel

The Who HQ book series is an established collection of titles that focuses on educating kids about historical people, places, and events. I highly recommend Who HQ because, no matter your child’s interests, this collection has a book for them! What is Juneteenth by Kirsti Jewel is extremely informative yet interesting for kids.

History is best received in the form of a story, and that’s what I love about these books. Who HQ covers a diverse range of topics with colorful illustrations and facts threaded throughout the stories. What is Juneteenth reflects on the day enslaved people discovered they were free way back on June 19th, 1865, but it also chronicles that fateful day’s transformation into the Juneteenth we know today. It is a wonderfully educational book for young readers!


2. The Juneteenth Story by Allah Agostini

As this book shares, the first Juneteenth was known as “Jubilee Day,” which I love to share with kids. Inevitably, they ask what jubilee means. As The Juneteenth Story by Allah Agostini exemplifies, jubilee is defined as a special anniversary of an event worthy of celebration. It follows a modern Black family as they teach the history of the holiday to their child.

If you’re looking for the perfect introductory book to Juneteenth, look no further. Between its colorful illustrations and helpful timeline of key historical events related to this holiday, The Juneteenth Story is an excellent way to enlighten your children and provide them with the means to celebrate!


3. Juneteenth Is by Natasha Triplett

The context surrounding Juneteenth can be a heavy topic for anyone, especially children. What I love about Juneteenth Is by Natasha Triplett is its warmth and fun. This book opens with local celebrations–such as community parades and family barbeques–that take place every year on June 19th. It follows a child as she moves from one celebration to another before settling at her Grandaddy’s table to hear about the historical events leading to the creation and recognition of Juneteenth.

I love the versatility and inclusive nature of this book. We watch the main little girl’s eyes light up as she takes part in celebrations with folks of all shades, then the author utilizes the joy from these fun activities to frame Grandaddy’s later conversations about Black history with care and love. There is room for both commemoration and solemnity in Juneteenth Is. 

4. The History of Juneteenth by Alisha Norwood

If your child is drawn in by cozy, bright, evocative illustrations, Sawyer Cloud’s work in The History of Juneteenth by Alisha Norwood speaks volumes about the importance of Juneteenth! By recounting key historical events in a visual timeline, gently quizzing readers, and detailing forgotten nuances of Black history in America, this book has it all. 

As our nation continues to grow and evolve, it is crucial that future generations never forget our history. Juneteenth deserves widespread recognition and observation. Books like The History of Juneteenth are key to keeping our population informed, compassionate, and mindful as we write the next generation’s future!

Finding My God-Given Talents

Finding My God-Given Talents

Finding My God-Given Talents

The best-selling author, Erma Bombeck, once said, “When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and I could say ‘I used everything you gave me.’” Like many things in life, this is easier said than done. I strive to embrace my talents, to trust in God to clarify what all my gifts are, to seek His counsel in how to use them. But I am learning that sometimes falling short of our talents is part of the journey to discover them.

How Do We Know Our Talents?

I feel it is often in my nature to resist (girl’s gotta love her control!), even when I don’t mean to. As a conduit for God’s word, I pride myself on hearing Him. But when He requires of me anything that sacrifices my comfort, I find myself attempting to evade the very thing God is ushering me into. So to truly seek the Lord’s wisdom and guidance, I’ve had to start by listening and learning from His desires. I must trust his direction, trust that He knows how to enhance every ounce of my talent to display Holy boldness and a life of purpose.  So here are a few things I am practicing listening to and learning from him to embrace my God-given talents.

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Ugh… Well, Lord, if you had just planted me in one location for 30 years this would be so much easier! This is a thought that has crossed my mind on and off for 10 years. Excuses and reasons why it is too difficult to embrace the purpose of my journey. But after fighting against it for so long, I have finally surrendered to His will. By understanding that it is not an accident that God has moved our family, I am finally able to walk with freedom through these uprootings. It is time for me to embrace blooming, in EVERY place He plants me. To live a life of purpose, mission, and community, I have had to embrace His plan of dislocation and abort mine of stability.

Trust God’s Plan

No, duh! I know this one seems like a no brainer, but in order to trust God’s plan, we must have an intimate relationship with Him. I must release the desire to know how He thinks and instead wait and trust that His plan is greater than mine. I often have to remind myself that his vision is not centered around me and my experience, but instead is a great picture of which I am a mere brushstroke to be used to enhance and encourage.

Stop Hiding in Fear and Doubt

Fear and doubt only lead to procrastination. A fact of which I am painfully aware. I want to live without the bondage of these restraints, and to do so I must remember that some of my God-glorifying talents can’t be put on display until I deal with the root of my fear. It is my prayer to shed these so that every talent I’ve buried can be raised up. By embracing instead of doubting, His desires will show me how to multiply and bloom the talents that he has bestowed upon me, to glorify not myself, but my Heavenly Father.


Book Review: “Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from American Dream” by David Platt

Book Review: “Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from American Dream” by David Platt

Radical: Taking Back Your Faith From The American Dream by David Platt is not for the faint-hearted. It is not only a riveting and extraordinary read but also far from conventional in terms of his beliefs surrounding his faith. Platt boldly challenges readers to sacrifice and leave behind all of their worldly possessions.

The very first chapter is titled ‘Is Jesus Worth Losing Everything?’ It’s a tough question to answer, but Platt pulls no punches. He encourages us to find the greatest thing to live for—the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Forsaking the American Dream

Platt mentions the Great Commission from Matthew 28, which pushes Christians to go out and make disciples of all nations in the name of the Holy Trinity.

We have all been called to evangelize the world for God. This undertaking is daunting but requires all of our efforts. By accepting the Great Commission, we must forsake the American Dream.

We are taught at an early age to gain as many earthly accolades as possible, and that the goal is to be rich and successful. But there’s a thin line between living for God and living for the world. It can be challenging to actually live how Jesus said we should.

Thankfully, we have excellent examples—the disciples.

The disciples abandoned their careers, family, and convenience to follow Jesus. They left certainty for uncertainty, safety for danger—all selfless actions to make sure the gospel advanced.

Pursuing a Sacrificial Life

David Platt calls us to stop placing our primary focus on living the American Dream, but instead, pursue living a life that is sacrificial by displaying more love and bringing more awareness to God and His kingdom.

The first time I read this book, I honestly didn’t love it — I was convicted. I never really assumed my faith had been rooted in the American Dream until I truly entered a relationship with Christ.

The second time, I loved it and it spoke to my heart.

On my third time reading it, I decided to take a different approach. I’ve been taking my time to get through the entire book, but it is incredibly fulfilling.

Each chapter has me reevaluating my heart, identifying my counterfeit gods, and implementing strategies to hold myself and our family accountable.

Focusing on Eternity

The cost of truly following Jesus is high. It requires being willing to let go of everything else.

Do you know what could be potentially standing in your way? As you read “Radical”, much will be exposed to you.

At the end of this book, David urges us to take the Radical Experiment, which is a one-year commitment that should be pursued seriously.

You’ll have to read the book to better understand, but the purpose is for Christians to spend their lives fulfilling God’s mission of exposing people to His love.

This requires us to come to the end of ourselves, and that can be challenging yet rewarding! Whatever dream you may see for your life pales in comparison to the plans that God has in store for you.

Building up treasures for eternity is far greater than building up temporary treasures here on earth. Make God’s plans your plans. His plans are far more fulfilling and ultimately the best for you.

Book Review: “The Unsuccessful Champion" by Demario Davis

Book Review: “The Unsuccessful Champion" by Demario Davis

Champions, like seeds, only gain strength when you bury them. – Matshona Dhliwayo

Finding true victory in the midst of adversity can be challenging. An individual must realize that despite how victorious they may potentially become in the world, true victory only arises when they champion their faith in the Lord. The world’s vision of success often does not align with how God views achievement. Demario was deemed unsuccessful, especially early in life, and despite coming up short many times, he always got up stronger and more determined.

His story is one of how to champion goals and also how to champion faith! His story is compelling, and his book Unsuccessful Champion is a quick read because you will feel like he is sitting down with you to share.
Unsuccessful Champion was written to inspire anyone who has a dream and wants to be successful. We all have different callings in our lives and our paths are unique. Regardless of our journey, there is a champion inside of us, fighting to be the best at what we do.

Champions are founded in the relationships they have with God and their family. Each day, God calls us to live lives that set us apart for His glory. There is no end to what He has planned for us. There are times when what the world has to offer may seem appealing or glamorous but finding true victory and true riches comes from Christ. Regardless of how successful or unsuccessful Demario was at times, his fulfillment and true victory is always in Christ!

Let his story be an example to you—that though your beginning may be small, where you finish can be great.

Forget what people may have said about you or tried to convince you that you could not have. God can change any situation and make it better than our wildest dreams. I recommend this book to anyone who feels discouraged and needs to know that they are not alone. Your worth is not in what the world offers, but in the ultimate prize God has in store for you.

Watch the full book review video here:

Homeschool Essentials: “Called Home: Finding Joy in Letting God Lead Your Homeschool” by Karen DeBeus.

Homeschool Essentials: “Called Home: Finding Joy in Letting God Lead Your Homeschool” by Karen DeBeus.

Growing up, it was my heart’s greatest desire to become a wife and a mom. I chose a career path in Education because I believed it would allow me to spend the most time serving my family while making a decent living. I say all of that because I’ve always felt called home. Once Demario was drafted in the NFL, it felt best for me to stay home, full time with our family. As we began planning for a family, I was impressed to begin homeschooling, which was foreign to both my husband and me. The more I attempted to dismiss the idea, the more I felt it tugging on my heart, so we went for it! This journey has been difficult at times, but God has shown up endlessly to remind me he’s called me to this, for this season of life!

In Called Home: Finding Joy in Letting God Lead Your Homeschool, Karen DeBeus does an exceptional job espousing her personal experiences and challenges, reminding readers of the importance of staying connected to God throughout their homeschool journey. He is the one who has called us home to serve our families, and He wants the ultimate glory from it. While reading this book, I felt the need to minimize all distractions and press into the One who called me to homeschool!

Frequently, I’d be exhausted, frustrated, and running on fumes. I can vividly recall the week I found this book. Life was chaotic! We’d recently relocated, and football season was rolling. I was attempting to do all the mom, wife and teacher duties solo. One kid was acting bat crap crazy, another one we believed was experiencing hearing loss, while the other child was suffering from anxiety. Did I mention I was also hosting various guests for a month? When everything is threatening my sanity, God shows up and exposes me to gems like this read.

Ultimately, my children’s relationship with the Lord is most essential; therefore, it’s vital I display and teach Jesus’ truths! Curriculums are amazing and needed in increments but submitting and surrendering all that we do to the Lord is vital in order to run this race! I paused our homeschool for a few weeks, and we had fun, studied God’s truths, and reset! Reading DeBeus’s book “Called Home” and spending time with God gave me the bravery to refocus our homeschool structure to make our time God-centric.

I would recommend this book for any parent who finds themselves questioning their decision to homeschool. Veteran and beginner homeschool teachers alike will find all the information in this little book necessary. The book is a quick read, with relevant truths. DeBeus shares encouragement and reminds readers to shift their focus back on God and keep Him at the center of their homeschooling journey.

Homeschool Essentials: Homeschool Bravely: How to Squash Doubt, Trust God, and Teach Your Child with Confidence

Homeschool Essentials: Homeschool Bravely: How to Squash Doubt, Trust God, and Teach Your Child with Confidence

Right now, many parents have found themselves in the role of teacher, as well as caretaker and entertainer with no warning. It’s daunting to take on a new responsibility when there’s been very little time for preparation. Naturally, I started looking for some guidance, and found a gem that I think will help you, too. 

I started reading Homeschool Bravely: How to Squash Doubt, Trust God, and Teach Your Child with Confidence by Jamie Erickson. As a mom who has spent some time homeschooling young kids, this book changed how I approached teaching my children, and it really made a huge difference in our little classroom. Frequently I struggle with self-doubt, especially when it comes to homeschooling. As a parent, you desire what’s best for your children, and although I strongly believe that during this season of life having them home with me is best, I often question if I made the right choice. 

Homeschool Bravely offers homeschooling parents the encouragement to boldly approach homeschooling as a calling from God, rather than a chore. Erickson offers tips on routines; she shares curriculum ideas and provides activities that will fit right into your lessons for the day. This book is grounded in faith and has scriptures woven throughout the pages. Having strong words of comfort with God’s own Word there to reinforce it did wonders for me. This book granted me encouragement and refreshed my confidence on this homeschooling journey. 

I closed the book, reassured that I’m not ruining my children or preventing them from experiencing something greater than what I provide. My perspective shifted tremendously, and I realized the importance of speaking life into myself and our homeschool classroom.

Additionally, this book is different from the other homeschooling books I’ve read because it provided direct insight on issues I am currently juggling—having kids with different learning challenges, ages and interests. I also love that all the content is pointed back to trusting God’s plan throughout this journey despite all my fear, doubt, failures, and even victories!

Grab your copy of Homeschool Bravely: How to Squash Doubt, Trust God, and Teach Your Child with Confidence by Jamie Erickson here.