Super Supper Salads for Summer

Super Supper Salads for Summer

There’s something special about summertime dinners. I can just picture the gentle breezes, filling food, and laughing family members, all of which are characteristic of our family meals in the summer. My favorite moment is when all the food has been laid out, and the warm glow of the kitchen lights illuminate my loved ones’ faces as we all settle in at the table.

Some of my favorite festivities include summer nights gathered around heaping helpings of delicious recipes. Naturally, the meal is always a crucial part of these fond memories. From main dishes to sides, it’s all important! With scrumptious food shared between us, somehow our talks seem bigger and our smiles feel sweeter. 

This summer, I wanted to share four flavorful salad recipes that even the kiddos will beg for at the dinner table! These ingredients are fresh, unique, and perfectly refreshing in such warm temperatures. Salads are a summer staple, so it’s only right that every beautiful summer dinner has a delicious, satisfying salad to pair with the feast!

1. Hearty Mediterranean Orzo Salad

With a big family like ours, I always make sure whatever salad I make is irresistible yet filling. That way, everyone gets enough! This recipe is a fun spin on the traditional Greek Salad, with the light yet satisfying addition of orzo pasta. (If you have picky eaters, just tell them this is a pasta dish–technically, you’re not lying!)

This recipe makes enough for two, so adjust accordingly!


  • ½ cup orzo pasta
  • 1 ½ tsp extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed
  • ⅛ tsp salt
  • 1 ½ tsp lemon juice
  • ⅛ tsp ground pepper
  • 1 14-oz can artichoke hearts, drained and chopped
  • 1 7-oz can chickpeas, rinsed
  • ⅓ cup feta cheese, crumbled
  • 2 tbsp chopped dill, fresh or dried
  • 1 ½ tbsp chopped mint, fresh or dried
  • 1 large tomato, deseeded and chopped
  • 2 cups baby spinach leaves


Step 1

Bring a pot of water to a boil and add orzo. Cook until tender for about 9 minutes, or as the box instructs. Drain and rinse until cool. Ensure it is dry before transferring to a medium bowl and tossing with oil. 

Step 2

Use the back of a spoon to mix garlic and salt into a paste in a medium bowl. Whisk in pepper and lemon juice. Add the cooked orzo, chickpeas, artichokes, feta, mint, and dill. Toss gently to combine. Add tomatoes and toss again.

Step 3

Divide spinach onto 2 plates and top with your Mediterranean salad mix. Enjoy!

2. Colorful Endive and Apple Salad with Sweet Cranberry Vinaigrette

This showstoppingly beautiful salad makes you happy just looking at it. Then you try it and–wow! Apples in salad is generally a win for me, but this recipe is next level when you add the cranberry and endive flavors. This salad will complement most meals, as it is light and mild yet perfectly sweet. Sometimes I even whip it up as a quick lunch or meal prep item!


  • 2 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
  • 2 tbsp cranberry juice concentrate
  • 1 tbsp white wine vinegar
  • 3 heads Belgian endive, thinly sliced crosswise
  • 2 red apples, cored, unpeeled, and chopped (I love Honeycrisp!)
  • ½ cup chopped cranberries, fresh or dried
  • ¼ cup green onion, thinly sliced
  • ¼ cup walnuts, toasted and chopped


Step 1

Whisk vinegar, oil, and cranberry juice concentrate in small bowl until mixed to make dressing.

Step 2

Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Step 3

In a medium bowl, combine apples and endive.

Step 4

Pour dressing over. Toss if desired.

Step 5

Add green onions, walnuts, and cranberries. Toss once. Serve and enjoy!

3. Refreshing Cucumber Pasta Salad

If you’re cooking some comfort food and in need of an easy and light salad to complement your main dish, look no further! This Refreshing Cucumber Pasta Salad could even stand on its own for a yummy lunch, with chickpeas serving as your protein. I love this recipe because nothing is more classic than a fresh pasta salad for summer!


  • 1 cucumber, peeled and chopped into ½-inch pieces
  • 1 cup roma tomato, diced
  • 3 tbsp fresh lime juice
  • 2 tbsp cilantro
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • ¼ tsp pepper
  • 1 cup macaroni pasta


Step 1

Cook pasta, drain, and rinse. Ensure it’s dry before using.

Step 2

Combine cilantro, lime juice, sugar, salt, and pepper in a small bowl to make dressing.

Step 3

Combine pasta and vegetables in large bowl.

Step 4

Toss gently with dressing.

4. Sweet and Savory Spinach Salad with Honey Bacon Dressing

The unique flavor profile of this salad is simply mouthwatering! Between the egg, bacon, honey, and mustard, you’re in for a combination of flavors that will make your taste buds dance. I also love the sweet and savory aspect in a salad, especially on a hot summer night. Serve with a simpler meal to liven up the dinner table!


  • 8 cups fresh spinach
  • 1 cup baby bella mushrooms, sliced
  • ¼ cup green onion, sliced
  • 1 medium tomato, deseeded and chopped
  • 1 hard-boiled egg, chopped
  • ½ cup parmesan cheese, shredded through bigger holes on cheese grater
  • 7 bacon pieces, sliced, cooked, and crumbled
  • ½ cup honey
  • ½ cup vinegar
  • ⅓ cup vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp yellow mustard (alt: 1 tsp spicy brown mustard)
  • 1 tsp fresh lemon juice


Step 1

Hard boil the egg and cook the bacon. Set aside separately. Do not crumble bacon yet for measurement purposes.

Step 2

Combine spinach, mushrooms, green onion, tomato, hard-boiled egg, and parmesan cheese in a large bowl. Add 5 of the crumbled bacon slices. Toss.

Step 3

Whisk honey, oil, vinegar, mustard, lemon juice, and remaining 2 slices of crumbled bacon in small bowl to make dressing.

Step 4

Drizzle dressing over salad. Toss if desired.

Step 5

Serve immediately and enjoy!

Homeschool: Top 4 Juneteenth Books for Kids

Homeschool: Top 4 Juneteenth Books for Kids

It’s hard to describe how surreal it feels to birth children, raise them, and watch them learn to read. As they comb through books, I watch their brains work to picture scenes, learn new ideas, and discover more about themselves and the world around them. Reading to my children is one of my favorite activities–especially when I can see the immediate impact it has on them.

Juneteenth National Independence Day is a celebration that marks the end of chattel slavery in the United States. Every year, people across the country commemorate the end of slavery by celebrating the Black community’s freedom on this momentous day. It is a day full of singing, soul foods, festivals, historical reenactments, and family reunions. Most notably for me, Juneteenth is a day on which I ensure my children understand their heritage and feel pride as Black youth.

This Juneteenth, I curated a selection of books every child should read. Each title is informative, uplifting, and resonant. Whether you’re introducing them to the meaning behind Juneteenth or looking for a way to expand their knowledge of the holiday, these books are an excellent way to get kids involved!


1. What is Juneteenth by Kirsti Jewel

The Who HQ book series is an established collection of titles that focuses on educating kids about historical people, places, and events. I highly recommend Who HQ because, no matter your child’s interests, this collection has a book for them! What is Juneteenth by Kirsti Jewel is extremely informative yet interesting for kids.

History is best received in the form of a story, and that’s what I love about these books. Who HQ covers a diverse range of topics with colorful illustrations and facts threaded throughout the stories. What is Juneteenth reflects on the day enslaved people discovered they were free way back on June 19th, 1865, but it also chronicles that fateful day’s transformation into the Juneteenth we know today. It is a wonderfully educational book for young readers!


2. The Juneteenth Story by Allah Agostini

As this book shares, the first Juneteenth was known as “Jubilee Day,” which I love to share with kids. Inevitably, they ask what jubilee means. As The Juneteenth Story by Allah Agostini exemplifies, jubilee is defined as a special anniversary of an event worthy of celebration. It follows a modern Black family as they teach the history of the holiday to their child.

If you’re looking for the perfect introductory book to Juneteenth, look no further. Between its colorful illustrations and helpful timeline of key historical events related to this holiday, The Juneteenth Story is an excellent way to enlighten your children and provide them with the means to celebrate!


3. Juneteenth Is by Natasha Triplett

The context surrounding Juneteenth can be a heavy topic for anyone, especially children. What I love about Juneteenth Is by Natasha Triplett is its warmth and fun. This book opens with local celebrations–such as community parades and family barbeques–that take place every year on June 19th. It follows a child as she moves from one celebration to another before settling at her Grandaddy’s table to hear about the historical events leading to the creation and recognition of Juneteenth.

I love the versatility and inclusive nature of this book. We watch the main little girl’s eyes light up as she takes part in celebrations with folks of all shades, then the author utilizes the joy from these fun activities to frame Grandaddy’s later conversations about Black history with care and love. There is room for both commemoration and solemnity in Juneteenth Is. 

4. The History of Juneteenth by Alisha Norwood

If your child is drawn in by cozy, bright, evocative illustrations, Sawyer Cloud’s work in The History of Juneteenth by Alisha Norwood speaks volumes about the importance of Juneteenth! By recounting key historical events in a visual timeline, gently quizzing readers, and detailing forgotten nuances of Black history in America, this book has it all. 

As our nation continues to grow and evolve, it is crucial that future generations never forget our history. Juneteenth deserves widespread recognition and observation. Books like The History of Juneteenth are key to keeping our population informed, compassionate, and mindful as we write the next generation’s future!

The Birth Story of Story-James

The Birth Story of Story-James

Since I was an innocent little girl, I dreamed of having a large family. I longed for little people I could nurture, guide, protect, and love deeply.

While my husband and I were just friends, we’d talk about our past, present, and future, dreaming of the story we desired our lives to weave. Once we began dating, we started to dream of the fairytale we’d create, the stories we’d tell… and we learned that love comes softly. 

Throughout our journey, we soon came to repeat a hopeful mantra: “Our Story, His glory.” Yes, the fairytales we were creating involved endless dreams and hopes–but they were also accompanied by a few stabs and jabs that made the fairytales not so magical! This phrase served as a reminder that His story would be our guiding light forevermore, and everything would be for His glory, not ours.

A Mother’s Wish

I recall the day I held my belly as I looked in the mirror, saying, “God, I now desire to have six kids… but seven is the number of completion, so maybe I’ll land there!” In that moment, there was so much unforeseen by me. Admittedly, bearing children and raising them in the beautiful chaos my life had become made me second guess if having all those children was a good idea.

While pregnant with my fourth, I experienced sickness and discomfort in such a way that I vowed she would be the last one. I honestly didn’t think I could endure pregnancy again after she was born. Bringing her into the world stretched my faith in countless imaginable ways, leading me to believe I didn’t have the capacity for more.

However, after Demario and I discussed a potential fifth baby, we decided that maybe we did have the capacity for another after all. And we were blessed with our sweet and sassy Stormie Love.

The Unforeseen

Then life happened. Roadblocks were popping up in so many directions of my life, so I’d decided a ton of things were off the table–especially a baby. Additionally, my body began to behave unpredictably, and before I knew it, I was at the doctor’s office to get to the bottom of it all… only to discover I was unexpectedly pregnant.

Unfortunately, this pregnancy was paired with a number of inexplicable complications, eventually leading our sweet baby to join Jesus. I landed on the name Chosen for this child, our beautiful baby number six–chosen to be with our Father in Heaven for reasons we’ll never know or fully comprehend. But God’s still God!

During that time, I remember the weight of so many thoughts, emotions, and tears. In the Uber, on the ride to the hospital for my surgery, I couldn’t make sense of my life. I just played “Goodness of God” on repeat. I’d only confided in two friends, one of whom called me and made me laugh uncontrollably until my husband arrived (football life) and they wheeled me to the back.

The next thing I knew, I woke up crying with no clarity or direction for anything beyond that moment. Life was becoming more difficult to navigate by the day, but I still decided to Believe in the One who holds it all together! Thy will be done!

That day, I told the Lord and my husband I was done having kids. After all, we had five beautiful blessings and one in heaven, and I really didn’t have the emotional capacity to do it again. I was drowning in more ways than one.

Fast Forward One Month…

After a trip to Italy, I did my own thing, my body did its thing, and I left that trip pregnant again! I was in shock, still grieving, and processing it all. I thought back to that day in the mirror when I mused about having seven children… and here we were. Paralyzed by fear and doubt, emotions running wild, I harbored the secret from everyone except my doctors for five months. I waited until seven months to tell my immediate family. The world learned the news just one week before her delivery!

My pregnancy with her was by far the easiest, while my delivery was by far the hardest.

The Delivery

Babygirl remained head down and in ideal delivery position for months, but at 37.5 weeks, she decided to flip breech. I refused to schedule a C-section and instead wanted to attempt to move her head down, which I knew came with some risk… but this was a risk I was willing to take to have a natural birth, as I have had with all my babes. 

Once she moved her head down, we followed through with inducing labor to prevent other complications. As I often say, “Many are the plans of a man…” With her head down, our baby girl decided to stick her arm and foot above her head, which made it impossible to deliver her naturally without breaking her bones.

I was devastated. Terrified. I couldn’t process anything for some time. However, we needed to move quickly, since I was already 6 centimeters dilated and contracting. As I rolled down the hall bawling my eyes out, for some odd reason, I wondered if something dramatic and life-altering would happen today. My panic mounted as I received the spinal tap and couldn’t feel myself breathing. Although they gave me oxygen and calmed me, everyone was aware I was on edge.

Then my beautiful doctor entered and, knowing how overwhelmed I was, she requested that the speaker be turned on. I had no idea what she was doing, but it soon became apparent as worship music began to play. I sang and meditated on the lyrics about how good my God is!

Burning tears continued rolling down my face as they announced her arrival. Right as she was coming out, a series of events took place.

She was stuck. They were experiencing complications in getting her out. I could feel the energy of the room shifting as they moved quickly and forcefully, but the process seemed to take forever.

I began to feel pressure in my chest and abdominal areas, and I heard people calling for backup.

As I looked into the light, I felt like I was in a scene in Grey’s Anatomy. I wondered if, at this moment, my life would end, or if the life of the baby would end… or if we’d both go.

This all took place over the course of four and a half minutes after I was cut open, but it seemed like an eternity, and my emotions remained scattered after the fact.


Finally, they got her out safely, returning us to the recovery room. Little did I know that this would be the most challenging recovery to date. In the past, I took pride in pushing a baby out and returning to regularly scheduled activities the next day. This wasn’t the case this time around.

I’ve had an extremely rough recovery. From being unable to walk to needing assistance to hold and feed my baby, a list of graphic struggles unfolded in the months following her birth. 

But I’m still here, she’s still growing beautifully, and God’s still on the throne! Baby #7 felt like the completion of my husband’s and my family, but I’ve learned to place no limits on who He is and the plan He has for my life.


So much beauty and so many ashes led to our latest little one’s conception and birth. There are so many valuable people who have been along for the journey, and the STORY of Story-James’s life is beautiful, life-altering, and God-ordained. I’m confident that her life song will move mountains and bring Glory to the one who makes all things new!

It’s OUR STORY that God is authoring, but it’s my prayer that every ounce of it is used for HIS GLORY!

In the Final Chapter of Birthing Humans…

In the Final Chapter of Birthing Humans…

The bumps I’ve run across in my life have sometimes seemed to be larger than the physical bumps developed in my belly I carried for 9 months and vice versa! Nevertheless, both bumps birth something from me that is extraordinary, life-altering, and God-ordained—despite the occasional pain and discomfort in labor and delivery or overcoming the bumpy unforeseen obstacles of life!
What’s birthed from those bumps in life prepares me for the bumps that create precious life… and the lives created inside of me will forever grant me all the confidence, strength, and endurance I need to overcome and press on!
I’ve created and accomplished a lot, secretly and on grand stages… but none of it will ever compare or surpass the amount of joy I have that God has chosen me to create and steward all of these little people for His glory!
I’ve filled my quiver with arrows to shoot out into the world; may my children arise and call me blessed! All that I do, all that I sacrifice, all that I fight for, all that I accomplish, and all that I am is to honor ALL 6 of you and our creator!
I pray that my Story is constant proof that obedience is greater than sacrifice… and He lives, He forgives, He loves, He empowers, He redeems, and He Alone is more than enough!
The Final Chapter of birthing humans is slowly coming to an end, but it’s the beginning chapter of so much more! 👀
Our Story, His Glory! 

Few are Chosen: A New Year Reflection

Few are Chosen: A New Year Reflection

The “confident, realistic, independent” me speaking:
2023… I honestly don’t have enough words inside my vocabulary to accurately convey all the emotions behind the beauty and ashes I experienced this year!
I gained so much knowledge about myself and the people around me. I navigated through the darkness and light of my life and the world—where there were extraordinary gains and gut-wrenching losses. Nevertheless, each encounter was accompanied by strength and faith-building lessons, self-affirmations, and elaborate strategies for managing and improving the situations around me!
Oftentimes, we journey year to year in hopes that the new year will be greater than the past, but I’ve learned that anytime your path consists of co-laborers (not many people don’t), there may be much inside your control but even more outside of it! So we can plan, dream, etc., but there are just no guarantees on what we’ll face and what the outcome will be!
As someone who can be identified as a control freak, I learned countless valuable lessons about the options I’d made priorities and priorities I’ve made options. I learned how and why I was always willing to diminish my light so that others may shine—yet they’d diminish my light, even more, to ensure that my level up wouldn’t exceed their expectations.
I gained knowledge and understanding of why I love and sacrifice the way I do and why I’m not for everyone. I learned who valued and benefited from both my strengths and weaknesses. Consistent growth in self-awareness and the awareness of others is one of the greatest life skills one can develop. Accessing these things reminded me of why everyone in my life is compartmentalized and why blind trust inside family, friendships, business partners, and countless other trusted sources should always be limited.
One of the most valuable lessons I learned is that there’s always a game going on inside the game and how to humbly accept it and unapologetically play the crap out of it, not needing anyone. Then, after accessing it all I’m forced to tap into the folder of faith that holds much more.
Spiritual voice: Yes, journeying through this past year had some fruitful moments, but I also was challenged at every turn to tap into my faith like never before!
I found that despite the overwhelming beauty or the complexity of the ashes, I was chosen! I was chosen for such a time as THIS! I was chosen to grant others the love of Christ even if they didn’t desire or deserve it. I was chosen to smile and find laughter in all things. I was chosen to encourage others even when I needed it most myself.
I was chosen to boldly combat the enemy in ways I never thought possible, and honestly, some days were so difficult I almost let him win! I was chosen to stand on the Truth when everything around me appeared to be the furthest from it. I was chosen to do an abundance of things to educate support & encourage myself and others, endure all things with love, and survive great suffering and tremendous loss.
And above all else, I was chosen to represent and reflect the values of the Lord Jesus Christ even when I didn’t desire to and I had created validated excuses not to.
Did I do it perfectly? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
Did I struggle or fall victim to ungodly alternatives? A time or 2 or 3 or 10.  But God is faithful, even when we are not! He’s a Father, redeemer, protector, provider, and an extraordinary model for how to live a life of purpose that allows Him to remain on the throne!
I can recall one day writing in my journal asking God, “Why does it always appear that I get punished for attempting to do the right thing at all costs?” Oftentimes when we think of being “chosen”, we only meditate on the beautiful moments (comfort & successes) and not the major adversity that comes along with it. But more often than not, being chosen leads to extreme opposition and hardship that we must overcome, and it’s impossible to overcome it without the Lord.
More than not, we assume that suffering is caused by the enemy or a form of punishment when we’re disobeying, but sometimes we’re just handpicked for suffering, not as a form of punishment, but rather, God’s preparing us for Himself!
When I stumbled upon some of God’s “chosen ones ” inside my Bible, I realized they accomplished remarkable things, but somehow it was frequently accompanied by significant pain, distress, injury, loss, and countless other unpleasant experiences.
As A. W. Tozer said, “It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until he has hurt him deeply.”
As I reflect on 2023 and prepare to journey into 2024, I have a multitude of thoughts and emotions floating around. Sure, I have a list of breathtaking ambitious goals that I’d love to accomplish and my vision board could rock your world! And yes, 2024 is a new year with new possibilities and aspirations that I intend to maximize! But at the same time, I’m also fully aware that there are unresolved issues, ongoing fears and doubts, and undesirable tasks I cannot solve today nor leave behind in 2023—so they’ll have to journey with me into the next chapter.
Nevertheless,  I am stronger, wiser, and more confident, than ever before, to navigate all to come expectedly and unexpectedly—the beauty of life and the ashes. And unlike the previous year, I rest in accepting and being aware that I’m not just called, but chosen!
Below are a few scriptures that were spoken to me as I reflected on what 2023 delivered and what 2024 may bring!
Prayers and Blessings,
  • [ ] 2 Corinthians 12:9 (NIV) — “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.”
  • [ ] Micah 6:8— “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.”
  • [ ] 1 Corinthians 13:1-3— “If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. (2) If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. (3) If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.”
  • [ ] Matthew 22:14 (NIV)— “For many are invited, but few are chosen.”
  • [ ] Esther 4:13-14 (NASB)— “Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, ‘Do not imagine that you in the king’s palace can escape any more than all the Jews. For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?’”
“Through those telling words, he reminded her she had been chosen to set her own interests aside, let go of her own ambitions, and face an enemy full-on.” – Dr. Tony Evans
My prayer is that the Lord will meet each of you exactly where you are and shape and mold you for Himself, regardless of what it may cost.