Facebook memory pop-ups! You gotta love ‘em! There was a lengthy post I wrote back in December 2015 that popped up just the other day. I found it amazing that I mentioned The F Word blog website coming in the new year of 2016. Well, it’s been a long time coming! God gave me this vision so long ago, and today, I am thrilled to see it all come together in perfect timing.

Here’s the New Year’s flashback: 

Facebook Journal Entry Dec. 2015 —

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a perfectionist with a mild case of OCD, who adores family and domestic tasks. My husband often ask why do I insist that our house looks as if we don’t live in it. Umm, I have no idea! Everything has a place, maybe. When our family visits they often walk on eggshells attempting to meet my expectations for the cleanliness of our home.

My friends often wonder what my position as a “Domestic Engineer” entails. Let’s just say, I don’t sit down all day unless I’m nursing our infant or using the potty, and in my mind, I wear a cape! Each morning, I rise with a mission, and keeping the kids happy and the house clean are BIG – although I sometimes fail (not so good for perfectionist).

This morning, I started my day in our War Room, and I had what I thought was a clear vision of how I would execute our day. I got our daughter dressed. As I began the process for our son, my daughter began to create this mess with her things. As I turned around to stop her, my son begins to shoot urine onto the ceiling and floor. LOL… What should I do? I wanted to panic, but I decided to proceed with him and let her be! She’s trying to find a headband for her outfit, I told myself. I started to clean up this mess, but something told me to stop. I decided to laugh, sit my son down and embrace the moment!

While snapping this photo [pictured below] for the grandparents, I realized I needed to hurry to get them breakfast before leaving for an appointment.

Let’s just say another huge mess was created in the kitchen. Usually, I’d panic and rush to clean up the mess, but there was a voice inside me that said “not today”. I smiled and rapidly packed up the kids to get out the door. With a baby bag and purse on my shoulder, a 29lb baby and car seat in my hand, and a 25lb toddler on my hip, I rushed to the car.

Then, I realized I didn’t have on my shoes. LOL! I ran back into the house with my entire body being weighed down to grab my shoes and looked around at the messes that had been made. Wow! I could hear the voices of my family and friends saying, “…and you want 6 kids?” I kissed my little lambs and literally laughed out loud, thinking, “Yep, 2 and 4 to go!” This is something minor I usually make major.

Once we returned, our toddler decided to give her brother and herself a yogurt bath. I found humor in this too!

What would have normally turned into a day of stress with a “Martha” spirit, turned into a day full of answered prayers, joy, chaos, laughter, and quality time with the ones I love so deeply! If someone walked in right now, they’d think I’m cracking up, and ask if I’m ok. But today is the 1st day I honestly would rather have a messy house full of kids, love, quality time, and laughter, instead of a super clean one with no one to share it with!

Often, we waste energy on things that are irrelevant or try to figure out what’s next in life. Instead, we should embrace each season we’re in and learn to have a “Mary heart” in a “Martha world”!

Now, off to love on these little lambs, the mess can wait!

Stay tuned for “The F Words” coming in 2016!