We live in a changing world, but we serve a God who is unchanging. While many things in life are fleeting, change is one thing that can be relied upon as a constant, and yet it can still awaken fear within us. We experience change daily, from small changes in our schedules and routines, to major changes in our health and homes. When we can be so sure of change, it often drives me to wonder:

Why do we rely on stability?

We become used to the familiar, comfortable with what we already know —and in comfortability, there is security. When we know what to expect, we know how to prepare ourselves and how to operate under the circumstances we are provided with. We see stability as success. Outside of our comfort and security bubble is where fear starts to creep in.  But in truth, it is change that challenges us and encourages us to replace that which is old to become a newer and better version of ourselves in Christ.

Change conforms us into the image of Christ.

Despite knowing that change can bring goodness, it doesn’t stop me from experiencing fear in its wake. When I find myself shaken by my circumstances and experiencing  rampant thoughts, I am pointed back to Christ. I find beauty in knowing that as we change, Christ remains. He provides the stability that our daily lives cannot. Through Him, we can find consistency and courage to face the unknown. He is the beginning and the end, and He does not compromise His values. In Him we find the most important stability—eternal significance that stretches beyond this world. As the world around us changes, we can revel in the knowing that in the presence of His grace, we shall live eternal.

I have learned to build my hope in Christ. As I seek security, I do so, not through stability, but through embracing change knowing that God has a plan.  

Imagine change as hydroplaning. When you’re hydroplaning, you’re meant to turn your wheel into the direction you’re traveling in order to realign your tires and regain control. The same can be said when change occurs in our lives. Don’t resist it; lean into the change. Find your security in knowing that this will be further transforming you into the image of Christ.

Oceans will rise, kingdoms will fall, but the world of the Lord stands forever. The sun will fade and this world will one day pass, but God remains the same. Let us embrace change as a facet to bring us closer to Christ, closer to our true potential, and closer to the beauty He creates in the unpredictability of the future.