In a world where we are all easily enticed to become more like our peers or social media influencers, it becomes a battle to stay true to the person within — to the person that you really are. Desiring change and rapid growth is beautiful; however, it can often cause us to compromise ourselves in the process depending on our purpose and focus.

This is why I admire my children so much.

They have taught me so much over the course of motherhood, but one of the most heartfelt lessons I’ve learned is how to be genuine in the midst of people telling me who I should be.

Witnessing the authenticity they boldly display has encouraged me to unapologetically be true to me!

No Compromising!

While watching my kids interact with each other, I’ve noticed that there are some core parts of their personality they just don’t compromise. Despite what they see or hear, they remain true to who they are. Although I may have only a few more years to witness this (since they’re still so young and have limited influences), I’ve found encouragement in their little big personalities!

There have definitely been moments where I’ve found myself compromising who I am and what I believe to protect others’ feelings. At some point, their voices became louder than mine or God’s. I used to work to develop into who people have encouraged me to become, paths they pushed me to take— to the point that I became confused by what was from me and what was from them.

Unfiltered & Unconcerned!

Children see the world around them in a perspective that’s often unfiltered and unconcerned with the opinions of others. Because of this, they have a more genuine approach to expressing themselves and don’t look for approval from others. Their heart and intentions are pure and they don’t have hidden agendas. 

Children also rarely, if at all, focus on the way someone may view them and their differing opinions or viewpoints. I admire the confidence I see in each of my little lambs when they don’t budge and speak their minds! They aren’t phased one bit by what someone thinks or even knows is true.

They are a wonderful example of what it means to truly believe in yourself. My prayer is that this mindset will stick with each of them, and no matter what comes up, they’ll always be honest with themselves about what they want and need in their lives.

Authenticity & A Strong Heart

I encourage you all to pay attention to the light that your children shine. I’m grateful for the authenticity that shines through each of them. With all the experiences we face in life, learning to deal with them with authenticity and a strong heart is necessary to living a fulfilling life.