Where have I been this season? I’ve been journeying through the past, re-evaluating the presence, and envisioning the future! I’ve been filling myself with healthy self-reflection, and it has changed my life and perspective in tremendous ways.

The end goal of reflecting is to ultimately be refreshed and reminded that you are here with a purpose and God’s plan for your life is a journey worth embracing fully, no matter how challenging. With that being said, as a way to encourage you, I want to share five ways that self-reflection is beneficial.

1. It Builds Confidence

When you make room to do deep self-reflecting, it allows you to better understand your strengths and weaknesses. This then leads to self-confidence. I know what I do really well and what I need to work on. It all leads to better handling situations as they come up. 

2. It Develops Self-Awareness

Self-reflection allows you to look internally and develop better self-awareness. It helps you understand your emotions in a clearer way and how your response to situations affects the people around you. It also improves our decision-making when we need to gain control with how we respond emotionally. 

3. It Helps You Conquer Your Fears

The first step toward conquering your fears is knowing what they are. Self-reflection challenges us to dig deep and get to the root of things. How you deal with these fears starts with you knowing yourself. Once you know yourself, you can better prepare for confronting a fear and in turn, care for yourself in the ways you need to.

4. It Helps You Embrace Your Purpose

Self-reflection allows you to maximize your purpose! Placing your focus on developing and knowing yourself causes you to be more purpose-driven with your actions. You become more intentional about what you do and how you do it when you understand why you are here and your part in God’s plan.

5. It Gives You a Clear Perspective

You gain a clearer perspective of your place in relation to the world around you when you take time to self-reflect. Once your perspective shifts, it makes you more grateful and appreciative of where you are in your life in all aspects. You begin to prioritize what’s really important to you and spend less time focusing on things that are pointless or would hinder your personal growth. 

As you journey through life, careers, goals, relationships and all, I encourage you all to find some time throughout your day to self-reflect. Make it a point to continue learning from the past, being in the moment and enjoying the process before you!

Photo Cred: Green Tangerine Photography