If I’m completely honest, being a wife and mom is HARD, and homeschooling… well, that’s even harder! 

I’ve actually questioned myself every single day… 

Am I a good mom?

… What am I doing?

… Am I enough?

… Am I doing them a disservice?

… Do I yell or use my spoon too often?

… Will I regret it all later?
… Is God pleased?

The sign reads “First Day”… but it’s actually our 5th week. The date is printed wrong, and we’ve had a rocky start. My initial vision for this was everyone being dressed similar, nicer hair cut/styles, and a different background.


Because I wanted them to be “picture perfect“ for my 6-year-old scrapbook collection that’s still inside a box. If they didn’t take the photos today, I risked my superhero shattering the frames or never getting around to them being picture perfect.

Today, however, God knew I actually needed encouragement…

I absolutely love how God works. The children’s tutor took the photos for me while I was at a Bible Study. I didn’t instruct her on where to take them; however, I love that she chose a spot next to the scriptures I placed on my front porch to encourage our visitors. Since I’m usually in a hurry, I often overlook them, but today, God knew I actually needed the encouragement myself…

I am with you ALWAYS (Matthew 28:20).

As I sip on my 8th espresso shot of the day, I rest on this scripture. 

I am reminded that regardless of if I’m having an awesome day or a crappy day — feeling confident or defeated, the kids are behaving like nutcases — The Lord is with me, and His GRACE is sufficient for me.

Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me ( 2 Corinthians 12:9).